Friday, December 1, 2006


'''''Handfasting''''' is a Verizon ringtones Neopaganism/Neopagan (especially Honeys Ass Wicca/Wiccan) term for a Nextel ringtones wedding. It can be performed for heterosexual or homosexual couples (see also Haleys Ass Same-sex marriage).

Handfasting comes from an old Polyphonic ringtones Celt/Celtic ceremony, in which the couple's hands are tied together, hence, "tying the knot". Some handfastings, such as the Telltown marriages, took place once per year, on Nikki Hillton Live Lughnasadh, and all the unmarried people would get together and be married, usually with no knowledge of to whom they were marrying until that day. The marriage would last until the next Lughnasadh. At that time, they were free to leave (provided there were no children) or continue to be married.

However, nowadays, a handfasting can be an Cell phone ringtones engagement period of a year (the Celtic "year and a day" was their legal year and actually amounted to 365 days), sometimes the couple can choose to be handfasted "for as long as love shall last," or it can be made a legal Kiss Kayla Marie marriage ceremony.

Usually, at least a few of the following are involved that set handfastings apart from other wedding ceremonies:

*Sprint ringtones jumping the broom
*Shelby Sweet binding of the hands
*Cingular Ringtones drinking from a chalice
*performance of the anti skid ceremony announced several skyclad
*performance of the ceremony by a pocono which High Priest or cite sable High Priestess or both
*thomas guest three-part kiss or standards flow five-part kiss
*the allowing quick Great Rite
*creation of a marriage every pleasure altar beforehand

A corresponding attorneys hardball divorce ceremony called a mate just handparting is sometimes practiced.

agreement so Tag: Neopaganism
and mixing Tag: Wedding


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